Helpful COVID-19 resources for you

Mastering the Mobile Mayhem

How to get around in New York like a New Yorker – Transit Tips   So the city that never sleeps never stays still either. I mean, why would you want to? You have like 40 happy hours to get to, and 2 gallery openings. A bagel stand to visit…. lots! Like the staple messenger bag (get one of these, priority), you’re partnering functionality with style. Learning to manage your transit options will keep you cool & smartly collected on…

Why You Should Live in Manhattan

For the love of all that you hold dear, you owe it to yourself to live in Manhattan. Not forever, not necessarily, but give it a go once in your life and see how it feels to be in the center of absolutely everything. All the things you’ve heard about Manhattan are true. It is vibrant, full of energy, electric, and overwhelming. Living in Manhattan is to step out of your apartment every morning into the flow of a universal…

The Worst Deal in Real Estate

By Erich Nicholas, Licensed Real Estate Salesman, NYC Commercial Realty Corp, If you’re looking for a new home or office and a real estate broker asks you to sign an exclusive agreement so that you can only work with that broker – you should find another broker. Think about it, if you were going to buy a pair of dress shoes would you sign a contract to only buy those shoes at the Macy’s at Herald Square? So why would you limit your…

Check Your Personality Type and Find a Neighborhood to Match

We know that looking for a new apartment is about more than amenities and square footage. You have to figure out exactly where you want to live, and in a city as colossal as New York, the process of choosing a neighborhood can be even more stressful than the apartment choice. Do you want somewhere with lots of green space? Close to shopping? Walking distance from your workplace? In the heart of New York City nightlife? We can look to…

Breaking the Slumlord Cycle When You’re Investing in NYC

    It’s no secret. Slumlords do exist. In fact, every year, the Public Advocate’s Office releases a Landlord Watch List which features the worst landlords of NYC, not exactly a credential you’ll be adding to your resumé.   Though properties owned by slumlords should always be avoided by potential tenants, there does lie an attractive quality from a business perspective. Sites like GoHomeNY can help both renters and investors discover what people are saying about properties they are interested in. Given the right investor, you…

Creative Living in NYC, or How In the World Do People Afford Apartments in NYC?

How do people find affordable apartments in NYC? When average rents approach $4k per month, how do these hardworking New Yorkers, the tech intern and the junior copywriter and the public school English teacher and that Uber driver/proofreader/Amazon overnight shift warehouse worker/busboy guy find a place to live? The words “side hustle” have become of part of the lexicon of millennials and beyond, especially in expensive cities like NYC and San Francisco where people spend waaaaay more than half their…

How to Treat Your Doorman

With so many residential high rises in New York competing for tenants, prospective residents need to weigh all the factors. Amenities abound in NYC real estate, from concierge services and pools to multi-story courtyards with breathtaking river views. But while trends and features in urban living come and go, one figure remains stalwart and sure. That figure, of course, is the doorman. Ubiquitous in films and tv shows about New York, uniformed and steady, the doorman is the embodiment of…

Why You Should Always Have Renters Insurance

When you live in New York City, you come to expect the unexpected. While resources like can help you get the hang of city living, nothing—and I mean nothing—could have prepared me for the day I came home to a literal flood in my Rose Hill apartment on East 26th Street. I can’t fault my upstairs neighbor for drawing a bath. But I can fault her for turning on the water and leaving to walk her dog, letting it…

The Top Ten Things to Consider Before Renting In NYC

Often times we fall in love with a space and an apartment without diving further down the road to unforeseen problems that can arise within a building. Here are the top ten things to consider so that you and your loved ones can have more peace of mind before making a decision that can be one of the greatest of your life.   What kind of protection does this lease offer me as a tenant? The most common lease in…